Sunday, September 8, 2013

Swim At Your Own Risk!

I have held this idea for the past week about how we are rivers, or rather, carriers of an ever-flowing body. Now, there are many different angles you could look at this analogy, and they all might make their own decent points, but for this post, I'd like to bring up just one.

The river of life flows through us as it does through all people. It is a river of blessings that fill us in our darkest days. God is its source; He was the one to start it flowing, and guides its branches through everyone--I have no doubt that he blesses even the unsaved. They simply don't know its source, they brush it aside and call it fate. The point is that we all are gifted with the blessings of the Most High, but we are also faced with the choice of how to use what we are given.

Many Christians today lose such a potentially strong connection with God because they speak to him and never listen, take from him and never give back. We tend to gather the river up in a dam and keep it for ourselves. This causes a problem though, as the river was meant to flow from one being to the next. We are to take the spirit of God and follow it to wherever it leads, helping those it touches. Only then will our connection upstream be strong and healthy. Only then can we truly communicate and coordinate with our Maker.

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