Sunday, May 26, 2013

Verisimilitude of Life

The world’s sin is that it refuses to believe in me. ~John 16:9

The world sees a different truth than the one Jesus offers. The truth of the world is to live a good life; keep it simple. Sin is only a part of that complacency.

Just because it looks nice...
So how are we to know what's truth comparative to worldly morals? When things are so deceiving, they will sometimes look like something good when the real purpose behind it is to capture and tame its victims. The answer is simple. Nothing is too complex that you can't simply pray about it, ask God to guide you in the decision and then make the right choice about it. God wouldn't lead you somewhere deceiving, so just trust in your feet belonging to Him, live in Him 24/7, and you won't go wrong. 

And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. ~John 8:32

Monday, May 20, 2013

Land Ho!

No, that doesn't mean I am dying (well, I guess it does...) but that I can see where I am going!

I am a vessel. God is my Craftsman; Jesus, my Captain. I fly the flag of Love and sail the oceans of affliction. There are 6-billion islands to stop at on the way to my Maker's kingdom, so I'd better get started! God is in control, so there is nothing to shy away from. Frightening and disheartening things are basically the foundation of this sinful world, so they will be inevitable sights along the way. However, they have no ability to stop us if we have a mind to keep God closer-to-heart than anything else we might encounter.

"God does not simply roll the dice to decide the fate of man, he picks up the die and places it wherever he likes." ~Yours Truly

That is to say he knows just what goes on with us and won't simply be whimsically helping us as he feels up to it. God always has a reason; we as human simply make up excuses for his lack of insight when things seem to go wrong and stay wrong. They really only go wrong though when we let them affect us. Think of it instead as a lack of wind, a temporary block in the road that will be overcome in time. That way, we can continue past our personal troubles and reach out with God's comforting hand to those who can't get over it themselves.

I now have the book "Maritide", which that quote above is from, up for download here.

"Lots are cast into the lap, but they are disposed of by the Lord." ~Proverbs 16:33

Sunday, May 12, 2013

God's Got It

To cover a very small part of a huge and interesting topic, this is a quote from the Secular Web site which gives arguments against God.

"The idea here is that God must allow some short term suffering in order to achieve a greater good. The analogy employed by professor Kreeft involves a hunter who is trying to free a bear from a trap, but cannot because the bear is liable to react violently, incorrectly perceiving the hunter as a threat. The hunter must therefore use tranquilizer darts and the like, which also would seem to the bear as harmful, in order to achieve what is ultimately best for the bear, i.e. freedom from the trap. The analogy is, of course, Hunter = God, Bear = Human."

 The author of this post goes on to "disprove" God as being good when he cannot simply take the problem away, therefore he must not be omnipotent. What he is not seeing, however, is that if God took control of every situation and fixed every problem, then 1) The world would be perfect and no one would be able to mess up, and 2) No one would have the ability to mess up and therefore would neither have the ability to make the right choice.

This reminds me of life after WW2. The American dream was to have a family, a house, and a stable job, but what this did was make everyone exactly the same as their neighbors. It brought about depression for young adults wanting to forge their own life paths. This is a quote from an essay I did on the topic:

"Machinism was thought to be a result of omnipotent regimes, or governments that placed pressure upon the ways of civilian life, when a lot of that was only an idea."

Basically, we would become robots if we served a God who would intervene on all our decisions without our consent. That doesn't mean he won't help those in need and answer prayers from an honest heart.

So there. I've said it. :)

If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. ~John 15:7

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Who WILL You Serve?

Letting the Will Be the Master of the Heart
 Tozer's Devotional (April 24)

Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on the things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. ~Colossians 3:1

Because the will is master of the heart, it is important to realize that the root of all evil in human nature is the corruption of the will!

The thoughts and intents of the heart are wrong and as a consequence the whole life is wrong.  Repentance is primarily a change of moral purpose, a sudden and often violent reversal of the soul's direction.
The prodigal son took his first step upward from the pig sty when he said, "I will arise and go to my father." As he had once willed to leave his father's house, now he willed to return.

To love God with all our heart we must first of all will to do so.  We should repent our lack of love and determine from this moment on to make God the object of our devotion.  We should read the Scriptures devotionally and set our affections on things above and aim our hearts toward Christ and heavenly things!

If we do these things we may be sure that we shall experience a wonderful change in our whole inward life. Our emotions will become disciplined and directed. We shall begin to taste the "piercing sweetness" of the love of Christ. The whole life, like a delicate instrument, will be tuned to sing the praises of Him who loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood!
Speaking of Will Power...(<-- Link)