Monday, August 25, 2014

Desiderium Divine

\des-i-DEER-ee-uhm\ noun
1. an ardent longing, as for something lost.

Have you ever truly had a heart for the lost? The most raw prayer is that we will love people as God does, because we know he has a very ardent longing for those he created who don't know him, who are lost on the path of life. God came to earth as Jesus for the sole purpose of giving us a way back to his path, a flashlight when we're lost in the dark.

For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost. ~Luke 19:10 (ESV)

God our Savior....desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. ~1 Timothy 2:4 (ESV)

We can never love completely as Jesus did, who had the love of the father toward all those he met (and didn't). Jesus was, in fact, so outward-focused and cared so much about his people that he forgave them to his very last breath, shouting out to God to forgive them, for they know not what they do. It is hard for us to look past the body of a person and see them for their potential as worshipers of God; it's hard to look past their sin and worldliness, but it is goal for us to strive toward. There was a certain parable where Jesus gave a representation of himself as being the good shepherd. He said that when the sheep drift away, he runs after them because he loves them. We can't save people, but seeing as we are all sheep and were all lost at some point, we can do our best to make others aware of the voice of the shepherd calling out.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Watch Out for Pine Needles!

If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin is crouching at the door. Its desire is for you, but you must rule over it. ~Genesis 4:7 (ESV)

This morning, I sat down (outside) somewhat close to a nice-looking spider web, aglow in the rising sun. Just out of curiosity, I picked up a pine needle and tossed it into the very intricately-woven web. Immediately, the warrior scrambled over to assess the damage done to his city wall. I thought at first that the little guy was confused at why the pine needle didn't have the right body shape or blood type of a normal victim, so he was attempting to tie it up for later, but as I watched, something else appeared to be going on. The spider realized that the needle was a hazard and a distraction that would lessen his chances of being productive later, so he expertly worked at unharnessing each part of the stuck needle until he was holding the thing (which was significantly larger than his own body) out from the web and gingerly dropping it to floor below. He then made his way back to the center of the web to resume duty.

I would offer a comparison for us to this spider. Even though we often have those high points in our spiritual walk, times when we are in the Word, in prayer, in fellowship with other believers and enjoying life as Christ did...when we allow even something small into our defenses, it can block our growth and hinder us from a full relationship with God. This blockage basically resembles our pine needles in life--they could look like tiredness, compromise, unnecessary daily distractions, indulgence, sin, busyness, "higher" priorities, etc. If there is anything that comes up to block our defenses, thus hindering our offensive, we need to get upfront about it and un-stick it from our lives. Only when we are completely free from distractions can God work miracles in and through us.

I say this for your own benefit, not to lay any restraint upon you, but to promote good order and to secure your undivided devotion to the Lord. ~1 Corinthians 7:35 (ESV)

Sunday, August 10, 2014

The Sound of Music

"People’s greatest need is for Christ, not another Christian band. Music is just a form of how we have been equipped to get the Gospel out to the lost who do not know [the] saving grace of God." ~Stephen Cobucci of “Wolves at the Gate” (Band)

What do you think music is? Should be? Was intended for? There are several ways music can be taken by the artist, (assuming we are talking about Christian musicians). They could 1) make their music into a career without feeling the need to incorporate anything "Christian" into their lyrics, 2) make music for themselves that is pleasurable to the human ear and may or may not include Christian values/messages within the lyrics, 3) make music that is intended to please God (worship) and not to make any profit on it except whatever they are blessed with by the works of their hands, or 4) make music that specifically reaches out to the listener by incorporating messages of hope and the gospel into the lyrics.

As a quick sidestep, let's look at how God views music. Some seem to think that God benefits from all music that is in someway uplifting, though I can't say I agree:

"I think the main problem is that people think you have to be all ” Glory, glory. Praise Jesus” in your music, or it isn’t christian. I believe, since we are all created in the image of God, that even non-Christians can glorify God, even if it is unknowingly. Take for example, a non-christian composing a beautiful piece of music. He does it for himself, but the only reason he can create it is because he was made in the image of God, and God knows that. God receives glory from it, even though it was done unknowingly by the composer." ~Unnamed band discussion contributor

In Romans 8:28, Paul says that "in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose (NIV)." This means that God can use even music that does not relate directly to him, but it doesn't mean he takes glory from it directly. In Romans 11:36, he says "For from him and through him and for him are all things. To him be the glory forever! Amen (NIV)." This notes that there is nothing that God does not control, because if there was something that was not of him, that he did not make and own, then he might owe us something, and that isn't possible. These things being to his glory at the end of the verse shows how he takes glory in all that he has made, though it doesn't mean he is pleased with the choices we make or takes glory in all our decisions. I think that God is glorified by our intentionality toward worship, music or not, and that he doesn't benefit at all from those who don't acknowledge him.

As for the way Christian musicians should be approaching their music, I think that everything we do boils down to the convictions of our hearts. If we are in tune with God, then he will be constantly moving us to change the areas of our lives that could be improved to the betterment of his kingdom. Maybe that doesn't look like creating worship music and having to find a separate job for support, but money should never be an obstacle for us as we strive to go wherever God has called us. At the very least, we are called to, in all things, be a light to others, so whenever we see a musician who doesn't take their music (as just one aspect of their lives) seriously in promoting their faith, they really have no excuse and most likely aren't in a continual, growing relationship with God.

Feel free to add any thoughts or corrections below!

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Heart of Worship

O my son, give me your heart. May your eyes take delight in following my ways. 
~Proverbs 23:26 (NLT)

When our hearts are completely geared toward God, when our worship and motivations are right and solely focused on pleasing Him rather than others, then that is when God can really start changing us. Only then can we truly take delight in following Christ, only then will we find joy even in the trials, and only then can our desires for worldly things start to change.

It is a truly amazing thing whenever I am reminded that my longing is to do God's will--when all the temporary pleasures I used to enjoy spending time in suddenly fade away. There is such a contrast of joy between the joy of the world and the joy of knowing and being enveloped in the peace of the Lord. All of heaven seems to quiet and listen when we decide to stop for, pray to, and worship the Almighty with our everything......when we truly give Him our hearts.