Sunday, December 2, 2012

An Exhibition of Bravery

Bravery comes with maturity. Sometimes, it is the hard and desperate times in life that help our maturity grow, offering more chances for feeling and/or revealing said bravery along the way. Maturity most often comes with age. So what about children?

"I'm tired, and I'm hungry. And my tail's froze. And my nose is froze. And my ears are froze. And my toes are froze." ~Lucky
It takes a whole lot more to bring out the bravery in kids like Lucky. Why? Is it reliance? Insecurity? Uncertainty? Vulnerability? Whatever it is, it is obvious that God made children to be looked after, and gave them their insecurities so that they could learn from it and from those around them. In this way, everyone must learn bravery before they can show it. That's one reason why we should be good examples to others; so that who we are, in front of our friends and acquaintances, is how our friends and acquaintances will act in front of their own friends and acquaintances. And so on and so forth. Each child has the potential to live their lives in the dark, and will until that future is changed.

You can enter God’s Kingdom only through the narrow gate. The highway to hell is broad, and its gate is wide for the many who choose that way. But the gateway to life is very narrow and the road is difficult, and only a few ever find it." ~Matthew 7:13-14

Is there such a thing as false bravery? Perhaps if the bravery you feel gets you only partway to your goal, then drops you dead...? The bravery you felt would not be bravery at all, but a drapery of softened lies that were intended to build you up; they were never from God.

Potvaliancy \POT-val-yuhn-see\ Brave only as a result of being drunk...

Only from God can true contentment be found. Without him there is nothing, so surely with him, we are able to accomplish anything; with bravery through trust, and trust by faith.

What is bravery? [breyv]
1) Possessing or exhibiting courage or courageous endurance.
2) Making a fine appearance. 

Why is bravery...bravery? Where does our bravery, as Christians, come from? I think that for most Christians, this should be obvious. Unfortunately I also think that it usually is not, nor is showing confidence of faith an easy thing to do.

How can we show bravery in our everyday lives?

"The Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words." ~Romans 8:26

Prayer and a tight communion with God, no matter the trial or situation, if true, will slowly eat away at the crumbs of doubt that encompass your heart. Fellowship with other believers will strengthen your views and activities outside of your comfort zone. Remember, bravery does not come naturally, but the confidence and faith you have in Christ can turn wonders.

"For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline."
~2 Timothy 1:7

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