Sunday, May 24, 2015

God's Lawnmower

You are not God's lawnmower. Many people want to be just that however; let me explain.

But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. ~Matthew 6:33 (ESV)

If you ever went up to your father as a kid and asked him what he thought you should be when you grow up, what should he have told you? Maybe he told you to be whoever you wanted to be and to follow your heart. We hear it all the time today: choose a career that you will enjoy doing for the rest of your life and the rest will fall into place! I think that this is a similar situation to the way God "calls" us. We often times want to wait for Him to tell us what to do with our lives, but I think God simply wants us to be ourselves. We want to invert Matthew 6:33 and say "give me this work to do and I'll do it" or "give me these things first and then I'll seek Your kingdom" but God tells us to find the work we enjoy and do it for Him. He tells us to go out there with His kingdom in mind and He will give us the strength to bring it into reality.

We want to say "give me a push in the right direction and I'll do the mowing" but God wants to do the mowing through us; it doesn't matter as much where we mow.

Matthew 16:19
You might have heard it before, but God calls us to the Great Commission, not the Great Suggestion. He gives us the keys to his kingdom so that we can share the future glory with others. We, as Christians, should have the greatest stories to tell by the end of our lives because our testimonies should be that we found the most joy in living by faith and following God's calling while living even the normalest of lives. God's calling is simple: Seek the kingdom I have already given you access to. Now let's stop over-complicating that calling!

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