Sunday, January 20, 2013

Get It While It's Hot!

Being able to love what is good even in times that are hell.

We are pressed on every side by troubles, but we are not crushed. We are perplexed, but not driven to despair. We are hunted down, but never abandoned by God. We get knocked down, but we are not destroyed. Through suffering, our bodies continue to share in the death of Jesus so that the life of Jesus may also be seen in our bodies. ~2Corinthians 4:8-11

Putting this into somewhat of a bullet point format, and posing a question for the next hot topic: Why are we cornered by troubles like this? May-hap the weather's a bit wild lately, but it will calm in time....or God just hates us for a little while, but...he doesn't dare keep it so hot n' hellish forever down here, right? Or just stick to the road that says things are difficult only because they intend to get better the further you push on. No. All those options put the blame on the wrong things, essentially. There are only two things to blame 1) Ourselves, for taking the first bait and sinning, and 2) The devil himself, the master hot-head who will turn your life around at the first pinch of opportunity. Things can seem right or wrong just by our backward thinking, when really, the goodness of life is always there, no matter where we are beside it. 

"The devil can site scripture for his purpose." ~Shakespeare

A dangerous enemy, that. So when you are pressed, submit and call is a good start. Ring him up, because God's service is the SPIRIT, which has perfect reception 24/7. Serious, no AT&T dropped calls anymore, and the phones, texts, and minutes are all free too! You won't even get a monthly bill.

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