Sunday, July 12, 2015

Just That Boss!

God is literally perfect. Isn't that just insane?! I mean, whenever we use the word "perfect," it actually means "pretty much as close to perfect as anything can get this side of Heaven." But when we use it to describe God, it's because we can't think of a single thing about Him that is not perfect! It's the same with love. God is literally the most loving consciousness in history. No one else compares. And isn't it impossibly complex how God can be forever? When we say that He was before time, it's only a way for us to try to wrap our minds around the unknowable, a way to describe the indescribable.

So God is impossible to describe, right? Still, He manages to use our own language when He speaks to us so that we can at least try to understand Him. He stoops to our level in order to point out that He is above us in every way. He shows us that we can be satisfied in Him while still being unsatisfied in our knowledge of Him because there is never an end of things to be learned and mimicked. God is infinite. He will never step down or get tired of His job. Even if He did, there would be no one who could fill his shoes because He is just that boss! And that is probably the most comforting thing in the world: to know that we serve a God that none other could ever compare to. There is nothing higher to reach for than God himself.

"i’m finally here at the edge of atonement. one step. one miraculous moment. i taste it. i sense it. i already own it. i have the right to remain god. but i could never fit in His crown. i took it off and i drowned in the thought that i’m only a man. and i don’t hold the world in my hands...

"my head’s high and i finally behold that Light that my faith always foretold. oh! words can’t describe how it feels to feel alive. today i’m coming clean. i’m coming home. i’m giving everything. You’re worth it all. You’re worth it all. Jesus You’re worth the offering."
~Attalus (Song title: "Breath Before the Plunge")

Isn't it sometimes just so obvious how small we are? I pray that our eyes are opened to this reality more often, because it is only in those moments that we notice how big we once thought ourselves to be compared to God. Whenever we fail to see God for who He really is, it's due to our own selves being in the way, and when we can't see God for the self, it's hard to accept any of the benefits God offers. God offers us His peace, not our peace. God offers us His Confidence, not our confidence. He gives us the assurance that He is and always will be able to handle whatever comes our way because He is the only rock solid enough for us to place our full and unwavering confidence in. God never fails. Let us always remember that we can and have trusted our lives with the most trustworthy being in existence!

"My heart is confident in you, O God; no wonder I can sing your praises with all my heart!" Psalm 108:1 (NLT)

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